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VHDL code for MUX

Written By 1 on Thursday, October 29, 2009 | 8:22 PM

VHDL Templates
The multiplexer, or 'MUX' as it is usually called, is a simple construct very common in hardware design. The example below demonstrates a simple two to one MUX, with inputs A and B, selector S and output X:

-- template 1:

X <= A when S = '1' else B;
-- template 2:

with S select X <= A when '1' else B;
-- template 3:



case S is

when '1' => X <= A;

when others => X <= B;

end case;

end process;

-- template 4:



if S = '1' then

X <= A;


X <= B;

end if;

end process;

-- template 5 - 4:1 MUX, where S is a 2-bit std_logic_vector :



case S is

when "00" => X <= A;

when "01" => X <= B;

when "10" => X <= C;

when others => X <= D;

end case;

end process;

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