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Indexing and slicing of arrays

Written By 1 on Thursday, March 1, 2012 | 6:56 PM

Indexing and Slicing of Arrays

An expression can select part of a packed array, or any integer type, which is assumed to be numbered down to 0.

SystemVerilog uses the term “part select” to refer to a selection of one or more contiguous bits of a single dimension packed array. This is consistent with the usage of the term “part select” in Verilog

reg [63:0] data;
reg [7:0] byte2; byte2 = data[23:16]; // an 8-bit part select from data

SystemVerilog uses the term “slice” to refer to a selection of one or more contiguous elements of an array. Verilog only permits a single element of an array to be selected, and does not have a term for this selection.

An single element of a packed or unpacked array can be selected using an indexed name.

bit [3:0] [7:0] j; // j is a packed array
byte k;
k = j[2]; // select a single 8-bit element from j

One or more contiguous elements can be selected using a slice name. A slice name of a packed array is a packed array. A slice name of an unpacked array is an unpacked array.

bit busA [7:0] [31:0] ; // unpacked array of 8 32-bit vectors
int busB [1:0]; // unpacked array of 2 integers
busB = busA[7:6]; // select a slice from busA

The size of the part select or slice must be constant, but the position can be variable. The syntax of Verilog - 2001 is used.

int i = bitvec[j +: k]; // k must be constant.
int a[x:y], b[y:z], e;
a = {b[c -: d], e}; // d must be constant

Slices of an array can only apply to one dimension, but other dimensions can have single index values in an expression.

1 Comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog.can you give any example code of array slicing operator?
