Interfaces - Introduction
The communication between blocks of a digital system is a critical area that can affect everything from ease of RTL coding, to hardware-software partitioning to performance analysis to bus implementation choices and protocol checking. The interface construct in SystemVerilog was specifically created to encapsulate the communication between blocks, allowing a smooth migration from abstract system-level design through successive refinement down to lower-level register-transfer and structural views of the design. By encapsulating the communication between blocks, the interface construct also facilitates design re-use. The inclusion of interface capabilities is one of the major advantages of System Verilog.
At its lowest level, an interface is a named bundle of nets or variables. The interface is instantiated in a design and can be accessed through a port as a single item, and the component nets or variables referenced where needed. A significant proportion of a Verilog design often consists of port lists and port connection lists, which are just repetitions of names. The ability to replace a group of names by a single name can significantly reduce the size of a description and improve its maintainability.
Additional power of the interface comes from its ability to encapsulate functionality as well as connectivity, making an interface, at its highest level, more like a class template. An interface can have parameters, constants, variables, functions and tasks.
A simple interface declaration is as follows.
interface ALU;
endinterface [ : ALU ]
Example without using interfaces:
This example shows a simple bus implemented without interfaces. Note that the logic type can replace wire and reg if no resolution of multiple drivers is needed.
module memMod( input bit req, bit clk, bit start, logic [1:0] mode, logic [7:0] addr, inout wire [7:0] data, output bit gnt, bit rdy );
logic avail;
module cpuMod(input bit clk, bit gnt, bit rdy, inout wire [7:0] data, output bit req, bit start, logic [7:0] addr, logic [1:0] mode );
module top;
logic req, gnt, start, rdy; // req is logic not bit here
logic clk = 0;
logic [1:0] mode;
logic [7:0] addr;
wire [7:0] data;
memMod mem(req, clk, start, mode, addr, data, gnt, rdy);
cpuMod cpu(clk, gnt, rdy, data, req, start, addr, mode);
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