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TCL - More list commands - lsearch, lsort, lrange

Written By 1 on Monday, June 11, 2012 | 11:34 PM

Lists can be searched with the lsearch command, sorted with the lsort command, and a range of list entries can be extracted with the lrange command.
lsearch list pattern
Searches list for an entry that matches pattern, and returns the index for the first match, or a -1 if there is no match. By default, lsearch uses "glob" patterns for matching. See the section on globbing.
lsort list
Sorts list and returns a new list in the sorted order. By default, it sorts the list into alphabetic order. Note that this command returns the sorted list as a result, instead of sorting the list in place. If you have a list in a variable, the way to sort it is like so: set lst [lsort $lst]
lrange list first last
Returns a list composed of the first through last entries in the list. If first is less than or equal to 0, it is treated as the first list element. If last is end or a value greater than the number of elements in the list, it is treated as the end. If first is greater than last then an empty list is returned.


set list [list {Washington 1789} {Adams 1797} {Jefferson 1801} \

{Madison 1809} {Monroe 1817} {Adams 1825} ]

incr x
incr y -1

set x [lsearch $list Washington*]
set y [lsearch $list Madi
s ;# Set range to be not-inclusive

set subsetlist [lrange $list $x $y]

subsetlist {
puts "Starting in [lindex $item 1]: President [linde

puts "The following presidents served between Washington and Madison"
foreach item
$x $item 0] "

set x [lsearch $list Madison*]

set srtlist [lsort $list]
set y [lsearch $srtlist Madison*]


puts "\n$x Presidents came before Madison chronologically"
puts "$y Presidents came before Madison alphabetic


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