How to set up virtual host?
http://localhost will access to all the projects in the file,
http://zf11.localhost will access to only one project and also set the document_path upto that's public folder
Please take the backup of files, before alter to avoid any issue further.
Do the Following simple steps,
1) Tell the system, what to do when called http://zf11.localhost
FilePath: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add the Following, in above file localhost zf11.localhost
2) Tell the apache, to include extra file
FilePath: C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.17\conf\http.conf
Uncomment the following line
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
3) Tell the apache, what to do when request come from http://zf11.localhost
FilePath: C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.17\conf\extra\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
Add the following line, in the end
<Directory C:/wamp/www/zf1_11/public>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/zf1_11/public"
ServerName zf11.localhost
ServerAlias zf11.localhost
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