A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX.
jQuery naming convention
jQuery naming convention
1) jQuery(this): Current object
2) jQuery("p"): Select all the P tag
3)jQuery("p.abc") : Select all the P tag having class abc
4) jQuery("ul li:first"): select the first li of ul
5)jQuery("p").hide(): Hide the p tag
6) jQuery(document).ready(function(){
});: When you click the button first time, it will hide the div having class toggle and when click again will show.
7)jQuery("div#intro .head"): select the class having "head" under div having id "intro"
8)jQuery("[hrefjQuery='.jpg']"): select all href having link ending with jpg
9)jQuery("p.abc").append("greatinformations");: Add the text "greatinformations" end the div having class abc
10) jQuery("p.abc").after("greatinformations"); :Add the text "greatinformations" after the ending the div having class abc
Enter code here
Please note: Although no board code and smiley buttons are shown, they are still usable.
11)jQuery("div").animate({height:300},"slow");:change all the div height to 300px
12) jQuery(this).css("background-color"); :get the background color of current html object
13)jQuery(this).css("background-color", 'blue' ); :set the background-color to blue of current html object
14)jQuery("div").animate({left:"100px"},"slow");: Move the div to 100px
15)jQuery Callback:
A callback function is executed after the current work is done eg.
alert("The div is display now ");
16) jQuery("button.a").click(function(){
});: when click on button having class a will load the data from abc.text and upload to div
17) jQuery("div").load('abc.txt','',function(){alert('hi')});: after loading file abc.txt, alert the "hi"
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