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How to Configure iLO on your HP Proliant Server

Written By 1 on Sunday, July 22, 2012 | 10:30 PM

HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) is one of the bright feature available on all HP Proliant and Blade Servers (hope you are not using Antique HP/Compaq  Servers). iLO allow us to manage server remotely and it  works at the hardware level. So you will have access to the server even when the Operating system is crashed/not installed/Server is in Powered Off state!
OK, now comes the configuration part of Integrated Lights-Out (iLO). iLO does not need any special software to configure, but you just need to configure it for the first time. If you are new to HP Servers, then configuring iLO will be one of the challenges you faced. In this article, we will discuss more about iLO configuration on your Server. Once iLO is configured, you can access the server remotely using an Internet browser and manage the server in an efficient manner!
As you know, earlier generations of HP Servers were shipped with Integrated Lights-Out version 1 (called as iLO only). If you have HP Proliant G2, G3 or G4 series servers, then you are using the first version of iLO on your Server. If you look at the rear panel of  your server, you will find a port named as iLO, Management or Mgmt (have a look at above provided picture to see yourself).
In this article, I am trying to help you to configure iLO on your server. The steps remain same for iLO2 and iLO3 configuration.

Before you begin:

All HP Proliant servers are shipped with Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) enabled and all these servers will have an attached iLO tag. Do not understand what I am talking about? have a look at the below picture!. Depends on the HP Server model number or Generation number, this iLO tag will be tied to either front/rear of your server. In some models of HP servers, I have seen that there is a label pasted on your server (with iLO information) and no iLO tags!
Why the iLO tag is important? the iLO tag will have the User name and password of your iLO. When you perform the initial configuration of iLO and if you are prompted to enter user name and password, you may use the login information available on this iLO tag.

How to configure iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) of your Server.

Here comes the most important part, here we will learn how to configure iLO on HP Servers. Here, we are going to disable DHCP  and will assign a static IP for the iLO. Once we set a static IP, you have to reboot the server for the changes to take effect.
Let’s Start! :) 
1. Turn ON the Server, press F8 key at the Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) prompt.
iLO Press F8 to Enter
2. If prompted to Enter user name and Password, use the information you found on iLO tag.
3. Once you login, you will be at below screen. This is the iLO RBSU screen.
HP iLO RBSU is Open4. From iLO RBSU, go to Network and select DNS/DHCP option from there.
HP iLO Network DNS DHCP settings5. Press Space bar and disable the DHCP as we are going to set a static IP for iLO.
HP iLO Disable DHCP6. Now under Network menu, select NIC and TCP/IP settings.
HP iLO NIC and TCP IP Settings
7. The Network Configuration window will open (as shown below)
HP iLO Assign iLO IP
8. Now enter an IP address and Subnet Mask for your iLO (Example:
HP iLO Enter Static IP and Subnet Mask
9. To Save the settings, please press F10 key.
10. Go to File menu and select Exit to close the iLO Configuration window.
HP iLO Close iLO configuration window
11. You will receive a window as shown below, Press Enter key to restart Server.
HP iLO Exit Window12. Congratulation, you have successfully configured iLO of your Server.

How to Launch iLO Web Interface?

Well, I have configured iLO, now how to do I access the iLO Graphical User Interface?
1. Connect a Network cable to the iLO port of your Server.
2. Connect the other end of network cable to your Laptop/Computer.
3. Open Internet Explorer and type the IP address of iLO you have set (Example:
HP iLO Login Page screen
4. It should open the iLO Login page of your Server 
Remember, you need to use the Login name and Password information which is available on your iLO tag to login. Once you login to iLO, go to the Administration tab and create a new user account. Next time onwards, you can use the newly created user account to login to iLO

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